Vaccinations, passport and micro-chipping, dentals, lameness investigations, in house faecal egg counts, worming regimes, health checks.
Pre Purchase Examinations (Vettings)
We regularly carry out 2 stage and 5 stage vettings throughout North Wales and the surrounding counties, as well as at the clinic.

We provide routine and advanced dental work for our clients at their yards and at our clinic. We have both power tools and hand rasps, and sedation can be given if required. Tooth extractions are performed under standing sedation at our clinic.
We do most of our lameness investigations at the clinic where we have both hard and soft trot up and lunging areas. we can also provide a rider if ridden assessment is required. We have the latest digital X-ray machine that can provide instant images on the screen, and a Logic-e ultrasound scanner for imaging the soft tissue structures.

Diagnostic Imaging
Portable digital radiography and ultrasound machines, portable and video linked endoscopy. We host regular gastoscopy clinics to investigate gastric ulcers. We also have the capability to investigate airway problems with our upper respiratory tract endoscope.
Artificial insemination
The clinic offers a thorough program for owners wishing to put their mare in foal using chilled or frozen semen. We have specially designed stocks for the mare to stand in for scanning, for safety for the mare and the vet.
The equine clinic is approved by the British Equine Veterinary Association as a registered Artificial Insemination centre.

We perform routine castrations on all ages of horses. Generally horses older than 3 years need to be castrated at the clinic, as well as any horses that could potentially have a retained testicle. We also perform castrations on horses at your own yard if they are younger than 3 years old.
Medical Investigation
All medical investigations offered including weight loss, lethargy, exercise intolerance, laminitis related conditions, and ophthalmic conditions.

We have full surgical facilities for both standing and general anaesthetics.
Onsite Hospitalisation
All inpatients are stabled on rubber matting with dust free bedding and automatic water drinkers. Hay and haylage are available and individual diets catered for.

We do regular gastric ulcer clinics at the surgery for those who suspect their horse has gastric ulcers.
Racing Work
We are ambulatory vets at Bangor and Haydock Racecourses.

Laser Sarcoid Removal
Laser treatment is the preferred method of sarcoid removal. This can be done under standing sedation or general anaesthesia.
FEI Vets
Our vets provide emergency and routine cover at both national and international FEI events.

Export Health Certificates
We have two official veterinarians registered to provide export health certificates meaning we can export horses internationally.
Poor Performance and Sports Medicine
Our vets specialise in sports medicine, including regenerative and cutting edge therapies.